KS3 Assessment
Achievement at Appleton
Raising achievement and helping every student to reach their potential is a key priority for the staff at The Appleton School. Through promoting an effective learning culture and using our data effectively to target students for support, we can all work together to raise the profile of achievement in our school. Effective communication between the school and home means that we can co-ordinate support for the students to ensure that they get the necessary support to achieve, and exceed, their target grades.
New Key Stage 3 Assessment
We've introduced a new system of Steps that allow students to make progress through a numbered system similar to GCSE grades. Your child has been given a Step target grade and this will increase by one Step every year at Key Stage 3. Steps are a way of monitoring that students are building the core skills and knowledge necessary each year at Key Stage 3, to achieve their target grade at GCSE. A Step is not equivalent to a GCSE grade, however, achieving a certain Step would mean that you have the necessary skills to go on and achieve that grade at GCSE.