Remote Learning Work

Please note that in exceptional circumstances, where the school is closed on short notice, all students can access their work by clicking on the links below.


If your child is Remote Learning, they can access all their work for each subject following the year group links below. Work has been shared fortnightly for each subject, for this half term. Please note all work will now be shared on our website rather than Team’s for individual students who are remote learning. Many of the links provided will take you to interactive lessons on either the National Oak Academy website or Community Oak website. Where possible, the resources provided will cover similar content that is being taught during lesson time. We highly recommend students follow their usual timetable when completing the work and if they finish everything set, they can of course move on to work set for future weeks.

If you have any questions, please email and we will be able to assist you with any questions or issues you might have. You must be logged in to Google with your school email account. If it asks you to request access, you are logged in with a personal account.

Year 7 Remote Learning Work (Click Here)
Year 8 Remote Learning Work (Click Here)
Year 9 Remote Learning Work (Click Here)
Year 10 Remote Learning Work (Click Here)
Year 11 Remote Learning Work (Click Here)
Year 12 and 13 - Any necessary remote learning work can be found on your subjects google classroom.


If whole year groups are remote learning, lessons will be virtual and the Microsoft Teams platform will be used for this. We thought it would be useful to share here with parents in more detail how Team’s operates in the event that lessons are virtual. All students will be emailed daily by the Remote Learning Team to their school email address, outlining the lessons they have that day. This email will also include additional attachments of well-being and weekly assembly materials as well as FAQ sheets detailing support for any technical difficulties. Please follow the links below for our Remote Learning How- to Guide and further information about our Remote Learning provision when whole year groups are working from home.