Key Information for Students

School Day

Period All Days Length (Mins)
Notice bell 08.25 5
Registration/Assembly 08.30 15
Movement Time 08.45 5
Period 1 08.50 60
Movement Time 09.50 5
Period 2 09.55 60
Break 10.55 20
Movement Time 11.15 5
Period 3 11.20 60
Movement Time 12:20 5
Period 4 12.25 60
Lunch 13.25 30
Movement Time 13.55 5
Period 5 14.00 60
End of the Day 15:00 ---

Total weekly hours: 32.5 hours.

The school reception is open 8am-4pm Monday-Friday



Help and Advice

If you have a problem, the best person to talk to is your form tutor. He or she will always be available first thing in the morning. Do not be put off talking to someone about anything that is bothering you because you will find the things that seem important can easily be sorted out by talking to the right person.

The Planner

When you arrive in September, you will be given a planner. This contains lots of information designed to help you with your personal organisation. There is space to collect merit marks, record your timetable, attendance and other information.

You will also be expected to write your homework in your planner even though you will be able to access it via Show My Homework.

Computer Issues

If you ever forget your log in to the school network, Show My Homework etc. you will need to see the ICT Technicians on the top floor of North Block. They can also help you if you have accidentally deleted a file or folder, if you have done this you need to see them ASAP so they can recover the file.
