
Compass Education Trust

With effect from 1st January 2023, The Appleton School has ceased to be part of Benfleet Schools Trust and has been transferred to Compass Education Trust (Companies House number 07666213). Compass Education Trust is a multi-academy trust that includes The Billericay School in Billericay, The Bromfords School in Wickford and Woodlands School in Basildon.

Further information detailing how the trust is governed and managed may be found in its annual report on .

Each individual school within the trust has a local governing body, which monitors standards and pupil outcomes and makes recommendations to the Trust Board. The local governors also approve and monitor the school’s budget.

The local governing body for The Appleton School is constituted by members of our local community and includes elected parent governors and staff governors.

Local Governing Body

Listed below are the names of The Appleton School Governing Body:-

  • Ms S Cox - Headteacher - appointed 01/09/2021
  • Mrs C Little - Chair of Governors - appointed 29/6/2021
    Lead for Science, Safeguarding, SRE, LAC, SLT, Data, Statutory Information Website, Careers
  • Mr M Phillips - appointed 06/12/2022
  • Mrs E Fox - appointed 26/11/2023
  • Mr R Prior - appointed 01/06/2023
  • Mrs F Trotter - appointed 24/11/2020
    Lead for Maths, SEND, PPG, Behaviour, Attendance

Should you wish to contact any of the Governors, please contact Mrs C Smith, Clerk to Governors.