
Personal Development

Personal development underpins our entire curriculum. As well as the academic curriculum, we also have CAPE (our RSHE curriculum), our form time programme, enrichment and our Character Curriculum.

The Character Curriculum links into our School Vision, incorporating: Respect, Resilience, Community, and Respect. We are also the only school in Essex that has engaged in the Satchel Pulse programme to enhace our character curriculum; Satchel Pulse is based on the CASEL framework, which is an evidence-based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) this helps cultivate skills and environments that advance students’ learning and development. We are in the early stages of this programme and have recently completed the survey of our Year 7 & 8 student, who will trial this programme delivery.


Tutor Time Programme


The purpose of the tutor program is to provide students with consistency every morning, so that the tutor can check on student wellbeing, behaviour, uniform, and attendance. Further to this, the tutor program should enhance the curriculum offering with a particular focus on British Values and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) that explicitly direct students to this aspect, or it will be inferred. There is an expectation that the tutor will know how British Values and EDI are delivered and/or targeted with each session.


At the beginning of the week tutors will be expected to deliver key messages. Overtime, we would like to encourage all staff to share key messages on this one particular day. Alongside the key messages tutors will check uniform and have a focus on one particular aspect of the students’ pastoral life, e.g. attendance, behaviour, attainment, achievement. You will note that below these items on the calendar the EDI focus will be for a particular groups of students; this is so the tutor knows who to target the activities with e.g. we know that the attendance of our PPG and SEN students is lower than the rest of the cohort, so we would want the tutors prioritise working with these students on the relevant tasks.

With current affairs, these materials will only be available the end of the week before they are due to be delivered, this is because they summarise the week’s events. Numeracy and literacy will be delivered in alternate half terms.

We are also very proud to be using Satchel Pulse to support our Character Curriculum delivery. Satchel Pulse is an evidence based programme that uses student responses to design bespoke curriculums to support student character development

We are also members of the Association of Character Education and working towards our Quality Mark. Satchel%20Pulse ACE2


Year 7 - 11 Tutor Programme Spring 2

Year 7-11 Tutor Programme - Summer 1.pdf)

Y7-11 Tutor Programme - Summer 2.pdf

Sixth Form Tutor Programme